Friday, October 24, 2008

a list of things

this letter H is brought to you by Sweetshorn Vintage

This weekend I will be doing these things:
1. hiking to Makapu'u Lighthouse
2. going pumpkin picking
3. weighing possible pros and cons of purchasing the letter H you see above (starting with this pro:'s fantastic, and this con: the letter H is not significant for me in any way)
4. going swimming
5. taking a media break - no television or internet for me
6. baking something...or more likely asking R to bake something
7. sorting out A's halloween costume
8. taking a walk
9. playing bunco for the first time


Ashley Bilodeau said...

That H is to die for.
I love it!


Missa said...

I agree, all it has to stand for is Holy Heck this H is gorgeous!

Caroline said...

and for Hot!