Monday, November 10, 2008

north shore

It was a little bit overcast and chilly this morning on our side of the island, but the north shore was sunny and perfect. We climbed on the rocks and found crabs and snails and fish (the fish weren't on the rocks, obviously, but in the water between the rocks...just thought I'd clarify). A got soaking wet then insisted on stripping down and rolling in the sand before we left.


Stephanie said...

awesome photos (as usual)! what did you guys do at the north shore? beside poke sea creatures? if you like shrimp (eating them, that is), you must hit up giovanni's shrimp hut in haleiwa or la' die for! :)

Julie said...

I imagine that if I would have seen you and your little family on this day, I would have thought, "that is what I want to look like when I have a little family". Good work Moncurs.

Caroline said...

Stephanie: We were planning to grab something to eat, but the aforementioned rolling in the sand by Ava limited our options as she had to ride home naked. I don't like shrimp, but Ry does. I'll pass the word along. And, once again, thank you for sharing your superior knowledge of the island.

JJ: The probability is high that you'll be even cuter. It was just a whole lot of me slipping around trying not to fling the camera into the water.