p.s. The Catcher in the Rye is my favorite book of all time. I tend to read it all the way through at least once a year, and sometimes when I'm bored or in the mood I'll pick it up and flip through reading snippets of chapters here and there. My copy looks like the one on top - though doesn't look nearly as nice. I like that cover, but for a long time (like years) I've wanted to have a copy with the cover on the bottom as well. I've come close to buying one on several occasions, but always stop myself because I feel silly buying a second copy of a book I already own.

Whenever I take out a book from the library, I always take out the version of the book that I feel has the most appealing cover. These are lovely book covers.
I always judge books by their covers, it usually works... and don't feel silly about buying more than one copy of a book, its a good collection to have.
I too am guilty of choosing books based on their covers. I've actually heard of this archive before but have yet to check it out for fear of getting sucked in for far too long.
I have the rust covered version. My favorite book of all time but I haven't read it in a while. Just checked my book shelf and I don't see it... must be in storage :-(
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