I've been completely overwhelmed with all the sorting and selling, and seem to be suffering from a greatly diminished ability to focus on anything non-moving related. Luckily, my awesome parents came to spend some time with me last week and were very helpful - meaning they got to have fun with A so that I could focus on the aforementioned drudgery. My favorite memory of the week is my dad sitting on the couch facing the window and calling out to A all the shapes he could see in the clouds.
One other highlight, while sorting through some random scraps shoved into a drawer, was finding a little conversation I had copied down from last year...
C: Hurry...take a bite of your carrot. That's what good little bunnies do.
A: But bad little bunnies don't eat their carrots?
C: That's right.
A: I want to be a bad bunny.
Hooray for parents! Hooray for a Dad who likes to look at clouds! (and might I say those pictured clouds are lovely) and finally hooray for kids whos cunning wit can get them out of eating undesired veggies.
They get so clever don't they! (kids i mean)
Who doesn't want to be a bad bunny.--P
That is great that your parents came to help. I love A's Comment.
I think we all want to be the bad bunny at times, and maybe we need to.
i love that photo and spying shapes out of clouds! i bet your parents are so awesome <3
Hahaha... Oh yes, I know all about bad little bunnies... mine refuses to eat her carrots along with most veggies in general, ugh.
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