Since we've been here we've heard that Lanikai, located on the east side of the island, is supposed to be the most beautiful beach here. We thought we'd better check it out today and come up with our own opinion.

I'll reserve judgement for now since we haven't seen every beach on the island. However, the sand was perfect and the water was clear. And...had we had the means there are a couple of these off shore islands called Mokuluas (we learned via a very kind women we met on the beach and I confirmed at Hawaiiweb.com) that you can visit and snorkel around.

Plus, it was clean and fairly uncrowded. I'd say this beach is pretty close to perfection.

On the way home we stopped at this ice cream shop. We've been here before, and it's some of the very best ice cream I've ever had. Plus, I love the old school sign.

Ava had to try a bit of every flavor.
I love a good ice cream!!!
I can hardly wait to plan a trip to see all of this live and in person!
Have you done any scuba diving yet?
My name is Jane and I'm with Dwellable. I've been looking for blog posts about things to do in Lanikai to feature on our site. If you're interested, shoot me an email at Jane (at) Dwellable (.com). Thanks, and I really hope that we can connect!
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